The Rules

Note: This is less rules, and more brain-dump at the moment. I intend to firm up these rules shortly. However they will be subject to change as the project moves forwards. This page is being updated bit by bit, but you should be able to get an idea of how I intend it to play.

The playing surface needs to be a 6cm grid to fit the figure bases, perhaps with stand up terrain in some squares to block line of sight and add interest. I intend to create artwork you can print out to use as terrain squares.

Character Cards

The text in the top right of the card indicates an allegiance. This plays no part in the rules, but allows the players to sort the cards into "teams" if they wish.

The number in the orange circle is the cost to "buy" the figure into your army, a process done before game play starts.

The blue box under the orange circle shows the characters statistics. These are, from top to bottom:
  • Melee Attack
  • Defence
  • Range Attack
  • Health.
The horizontal blue box shows the name of the character.

The text at the bottom of the card is either, a special rule that applies to that figure in play, or quoted text describing the character that has no effect in play.

Building Your Army

In a standard game, players will have 10 points to purchase cards. Each player takes alternate turns buying one card at a time, until they have reached a total of 10. You may not spend more than 10 when building your army. You do not have to spend all 10 points.

Winning the Game 

You win the game if you are the only player with figures left on the board.

Setting Up

The board is set up first, and then players take alternate turns placing figures on the board. You may place one of your own figures or one of your opponents figures. A figure may be played anywhere on the board that it is allowed for that figure. For instance, a figure may not be placed in a water square if the figure can not move into water.

Playing the Game

Players take alternate turns. On your turn you may activate two of your figures. If you only have one figure then you may only activate that one figure.

When you activate a figure, you may move it first, and then you may make an attack with it. ( If you wish to move and fire in the same turn then you must move before attacking.)


All figures can carry out two moves on their turn. When a figure moves, it moves into any one of the adjacent 8 squares. A figure may not move into a square that contains another figure. A figure may not move into a square containing lava , a large boulder, or a tree.

Some figures can fly, which will be written on the card. A flying figure can move into any square, but not if it contains a figure.

Some figures can move more than two squares in a single turn, this will be written on the card.


There are two types of attack that a figure may do, but it may only do one during a turn, unless it's card says otherwise. The the two attack types are Melee and Ranged.

A Melee attack is when attacking another figure in an adjacent square. No figure may make a Ranged attack into an adjacent square.

To make a Melee attack, look at your figure's card for the number next to the claws. This is the number of dice you roll when making an attack. (If the number is a 3, then you will roll three dice.)
When you've rolled the dice, count the number of 5's and 6's you have rolled, each 5 or 6 is a hit against the figure you are attacking.

Now the other player looks at the card for the figure being attacked and checks the number next to the shield. This is how many dice they roll. When they roll the dice, count the number of 5's and 6's they have rolled, each 5 or 6 blocks one of your hits. If you have inflicted more hits than they rolled blocks you have caused a wound, and should place a wound token on the target figure's card.

When you place a wound token on a card you should always check that card's health number which is the number next to the heart. If there are the same number (or more) wound tokens on the card then the figure is eliminated from the game.

ranged attacks

Defence, used when attacked, roll 1 D6 for each Defence point, all 5s and 6s block one incoming attack point.

Range, this indicates the range over which you may make attacks, Ranged attack are different to

Melee. They can not be made into adjacent squares (that would be melee). The Ranged value indicates the number of dice you attack with, but reduces with each square of range between attacker and target.

The Health number, indicate how many points of damage you can take before the character is killed (removed from the game).

All figures may move 2 squares.

Blood tokens will be placed on a characters card to indicate hits.

The board will be sprinkled with 3D "crates". Moving into a square allows the character to pick up the crate. Each crate may be burned (discarded) when the players wants, to do one of the following things. Heal one point, move two additional spaces, add two to Range, Melee, or Defence score for one turn.

There may be terrain effects, such as height or cover.

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